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Advisory film as an intervention medium

In an interview, Jürgen Klopp, manager of Liverpool FC, commented on the use of videos in professional football:

"Every Tuesday we show the whole team scenes from Saturday's game, good as well as bad (...) in addition, there is also an individual electronic file for each player, in which we collect their own scenes. (...) We criticize the behavior in a position, not the person. Development works through feedback and correction."

As common as video analyses has become for professional athletes, they are also helpful in organizations and companies. In the following fields, they have proved their worth:

Personnel development of high potentials will hardly ever be successful when approached monologically; it requires a dialogical approach (link to "Dialogue Education"). Real development processes must be grounded in evidence-based data and self-reflexive processes. Consulting films prove of value, especially with respect to the appointment of new managers, but also in restructuring processes in which the quality of management needs increased attention. Due to the almost unlimited reproducibility of the film material, films offer three outstanding advantages: they make "blind spots" observable, help to see seemingly old familiar procedures "with new eyes" and thus enable an in-depth work on helpful reinterpretations (re-framing).

  • Team development has become the central driver of company development in many organizations and companies. In many cases, however, this also leads to different teams establishing their own knowledge bases and interaction patterns. In all fields where the unconnected coexistence of different practices leads to a deterioration in the quality of work and products, consulting films are a helpful and motivating medium. They contribute in a clear and comprehensible way to a common reading of the situation without falling into the trap of bossiness.

  • Organizational development: In ongoing quality processes (link to Change management) as well as in profound company changes consulting films help make company structures, procedures and cultures visible and thus help resolve differences productively. The usual quality management approaches almost exclusively work with written texts and thus incur the risk that very different interpretations, even of key indicators and concepts, generate unnecessary follow-up costs. Consulting films can help make "good practice" examples visible as success stories and therefore also - for others - comprehensible. Because every success has a history that can inspire the future of your company.

In an initial interview, we together determine whether you want to understand yourself as a producer, as a screenwriter or as the director of your consulting film – and which of these roles would have the most efficient impact for you in the moment:

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